Gay men, you need to hear this.

Mensunderwear Fan
5 min readFeb 25, 2021


All you Gay men out there, are you listening? If not, you better do that because these tips will enhance the beauty of your relationships. Relationships are more than one-night stand and sex and you need to understand if you are willing to take it forward.

Starting with communication.


Image Credit: Weareteachers

Communication is an important factor in any relationship. Whether it’s friendship or a love relationship, partners should be able to communicate with each other. Communication helps to create and develop respect for each other. There are times when your partner has insights that you might not be expecting and when both of you go through that together, the bond created shall be the strongest. every relationship is made up of two unique people therefore misunderstanding will happen but communication has the power to destroy all the misunderstandings.

Miscommunication is can be prevented if couples talk to each other and share things. We become more used to clarify ideas and thoughts in a manner others comprehend. Also, our loved ones generally expect reality from us. This is a lot better sort of relationship, and it eases the pressure when you’re not stressed over saying some wrong thing.

Therefore, analyze your relationship before it gets too late.

2.Surprise your partner with gifts

Although Christmas and New Year is that time of year when gifts are showered on each other, however, there is nothing wrong with gifting each other without an occasion. This will bring a smile to each other’s faces.

Image Credit: Papermag

Perfumes, cufflink, anything could be gifted but if you want to gift each other something different, how about men’s thong underwear in lace fabric? If thong underwear is not their cup of tea one can pick styles like men’s lace underwear, sheer underwear, jockstrap, and men’s bikini underwear. You can give some sexy briefs as well.

Giving these styles a chance improves your sexual life.

3.Gift your valuable time.

Everyone has everything in today’s time, what they don’t have is time and if you gift your valuable time to your partner nothing could be more precious than that. Trust us.

If both of you don’t have time for each other then find a reason to do so. Both of you can do a lot of things together such as shopping, cycling, watching a movie and Netflix and chill, etc. Both of you can watch each other’s favorite movie and laugh, cry together watching it.

Life is too short to complain.

4.Tell them “ you are sorry” or “Love you” before it becomes too late

it’s easy to forget to say the little things like ‘Thank you’ ‘I love this about you’ or ‘I’m so grateful for’ when two people are in a long-distance relationship. The reason behind that is, we have said it so many times that we assume that the other person knows it and understand it. .But you must always remember to tell your husband/ wife, mother/father, friend, girlfriend these things regularly. Though these habits sound small, however, these words have a huge impact on your relationship. These words will keep the relationship young, alive and lovely.

Image Credit: Dipositphotos

Long-distance relationships are difficult to handle, say few good words and making them realize that no matter what you love them, care for them and stand for them can make it easier. Remember that.

5.Be kinky

Sensual massage is an extraordinary treat that never goes wrong. At the point when you know your better half/spouse has been making some unpleasant memories, welcome them one day after work with some back rub oil, light lit (warm) room and do something amazing to knead their pressure away. Catch them when they are quite nice and clean however not anticipating your provocative treat.

6.Surprise him with his favorite dish

You know what is the most romantic thing besides sex, it’s cooking for each other and that too, their favorite meal. This gesture is considered lovely as it shows your investing time and energy to accomplish something insightful for them. Sitting down and eating together is turning out to be more uncommon these days as well so ensure the table is set and you can both have healthy conversations like” about your day/ week or life”. To set the environment, you can swap a normal bulb with a red bulb. Not only, it will create a difference in the look and atmosphere of the room but can turn things seductive and naughty.

Iamge Credit: nbcnews

7.Celebrate small victories

We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, promotions but we never celebrate when your boss praises you. We never celebrate when your favorite football or cricket team wins. Why?

Life is not about celebrating only huge victories, for that little motivation you can cheer up for your partner.

Both of you can go out with your friends as socializing and ‘representing’ as a couple with friends is a really fun thing to do. In others’ presence, both of you will in general be perkier. It will give you loads of things to discuss and it’s something you can both enjoy together. It will be much more sentimental on the off chance that you do it for no obvious explanation, just to satisfy them. There are a lot of applications that do this now or you could print off your number one picture recollections and slice them to fit pleasantly in an edge. It gladly shows your revelation of affection and will show your accomplice you give it a second thought.

8.Respect each other’s decisions

Doing things independently may appear to be something contrary to romance however it’s something that is a very healthy thing to do in marriages (and relationships in general). However much you love one another, living according to each other do’s and don’ts can become suffocating sometimes. Doing leisure activities independently creates desire and interest in the other person, the other individual, giving you both some extraordinary discussion as well giving you both some great conversation too.

Image Credit: Stocksy

Loving each other does not mean “changing that person”. When you love someone, love them the way they are because their flawless makes them beautiful and unique.

Relationships are all about “holding each others hand and supporting each other in critical times”. There are times when the situation is simple but unnecessarily we complicate things. Keep things simple and clean and you will notice that your relationship will grow gracefully.

Keep loving each other!



Mensunderwear Fan

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